قريبا ستجري مناظرة علمية حول القياس والتقويم في المجموعة الطبية بأدارة المركز الوطني لتقيم الكفايات الطبية وسيشارك ييها خبراء التقويم من كليات الطب وستكون المناظرة علمية افتراضية او وجاهية برعاية معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي الدكتور نعيم العبودي المحترم ينطلق برنامج تعزيز التعليم لطلبة كليات الطب في المراحل السريرية والذي يقيمه المجلس العلمي للمركز الوطني لتقييم الكفايات الطبية وبمشاركة خبرائه من داخل وخارج العراق

اخر الاخبار

Educational and Clinical Training Committee:

Dr. Maad Jasim(Chairperson)

Senior Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Royal College Of Emergency Medicine- UK
Royal College Of Emergency Medicine Expert Assessor Senior Educational
and Clinical consultant- UK University Lecturer -UK


Dr. Mustafa Ajlan Al-jarshawi

Academic specialty trainee doctor in Internal Medicine, jointly hosted by
the University of Plymouth as an NIHR's Academic Clinical Fellow
the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust as an IMT doctor


Dr. Omar Alhussaini

-Board Committee member -TUFH.org.
-AMEE.org. member since 2002.
-University of Dundee alumni.
-Senior specialist internal medicine.
-Consultant in health professional education .
-Founding member of medical education unit then department-medical college/SQU 2003-2016.


Our committee will ensure the required standards and outcomes:

Standards and outcomes
We set the standards expected of medical training organizations. We also set the outcomes students and doctors in training should achieve.
1.Promoting excellence
These standards set out requirements for the management and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and training.
Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training sets out ten standards that we expect organisations responsible for educating and training medical students and doctors to meet.
The standards and requirements are organised around five themes. Some requirements – what an organisation must do to show us they are meeting the standards – may apply to a specific stage of education and training.
2. Excellence by design
These standards are for the development and design of postgraduate medical curricula. They require curricula to describe generic, shared and specialty-specific outcomes, to support doctors in understanding what is expected of them.
The standards and related guidance are part of our commitment to improving flexibility in postgraduate training. We want to help make training more flexible for doctors, and more responsive to patient and health service needs.
The standards should be used along with our range of supplementary guidance:
Generic professional capabilities framework
Generic professional capabilities: guidance on implementation
Designing and maintaining postgraduate assessment programmes.
Our approval processes require organisations to show how their curriculum will meet the standards and requirements set out in this document.
This document works together with Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training. Together, they provide a framework for the development, approval and provision of postgraduate medical education and training
3. Generic professional capabilities framework
This framework sets out the essential generic capabilities needed for safe, effective and high quality medical care.
At its heart are the principles and professional responsibilities of doctors, and we have translated these into educational outcomes so they can be incorporated into curricula.
Although this framework relates to postgraduate medical education and training, we expect that it will support all phases of medical education and continuing professional development.
Excellence by design requires that the generic professional capabilities are included in all postgraduate curricula.
4. Outcomes for graduates, plus supplementary guidance
Medical students are tomorrow’s doctors. To meet the standards of Good medical practice, graduates must make the care of patients their first concern. Outcomes for graduates sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours that new medical graduates must be able to show.
5. Outcomes for new registered doctors \
Outcomes for new registered doctors sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours that foundation year one doctors must be able to show before being eligible to practice in medical capacity.


What are Formative Assessment Strategies?

Formative assessment
is an
ongoing process used by teachers and students for
teaching and
learning; to improve
student understanding of planned disciplinary learning outcomes
and help students to become
self-directed learners. The main purpose of formative assessment is
monitor the process of learning and to provide
ongoing feedback that can help learners to improve their
learning and help instructors to improve their
instructions. More precisely, formative assessments:
help learners recognise their weaknesses and strengths and
work on areas that need improvement;
help instructors identify where learners are struggling and
dealing with the problems.
Feedback is only successful if students use it to improve their
and we cannot take it for granted that feedback of any type will
achieve this. Research has shown that it is possible for feedback to
be detrimental to learning when compared to students receiving no feedback at all.
These assessments are considered to be
highly valuable
to help students enhance their performance and to help teachers
identify what students understood, and what they didn't. Often, the purpose of feedback is to enable a student to achieve something in the
future that they are currently not able to achieve. In this case, feedback should focus on improving the student rather than
the piece of work. Sometimes, the purpose of the feedback may be to inform the teacher
about what their class
knows and to influence their lesson planning.
In this case, notes in the teacher’s planner may be more appropriate
than notes on every individual piece of work. The time spent
work and giving feedback can be much more productive if you
consider the purpose of the feedback before you decide the best approach to take.


High fidelity simulation lab :

Simulation based learning is a very effective learning tool
• High Fidelity Simulators – Manikins that mimic many complex biological systems such as cardiac and respiratory functions, measurable blood pressure, palpable pulses, EKG displays, pulse oximeter, arterial waveforms, pulmonary artery waveforms and anesthetic gases.
o Possible interventions e.g. bag-mask ventilation, intubation, defibrillation, chest tube placement, cricothyrotomy and others.
o Manikins are computerized, contain hydraulics and compressors and have external monitors which display various physiological waveforms.
o Specialized manikins such as trauma manikins, birthing manikins, newborn, premature babies and pediatric manikins.
• Mid-fidelity – limited number of physiological characteristics such as cardiac and respiratory indicators.
• Audio-video equipment such as cameras, microphones and speakers. This equipment is used during the scenario to provide information to the learners participating in the scenario, to relay sound and video to learners watching in other rooms and to record and playback the scenario for debriefing following the completion of the scenario.
• Bedside computers for access to simulated electronic health records and lab results.
• Medication dispensing device
• Headwalls – typically mimics those found in hospitals – may contain oxygen and air outlets, suction, lights, diagnostic equipment such as blood pressure cuffs and sphygmomanometers.
• Additional Medical Room Equipment
• Crash carts
• EKG machines and other diagnostic equipment
• Anesthesia equipment
• Surgical instruments
• Ventilators
• Defibrillators
• Telephone
• Furniture such as hospital bed, over-the-bed table, bedside cabinet, crib, bassinet, baby-warmer etc.
• Equipment and supplies to be used during the scenario e.g. IV catheterization supplies and chest tubes.
