قريبا ستجري مناظرة علمية حول القياس والتقويم في المجموعة الطبية بأدارة المركز الوطني لتقيم الكفايات الطبية وسيشارك ييها خبراء التقويم من كليات الطب وستكون المناظرة علمية افتراضية او وجاهية برعاية معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي الدكتور نعيم العبودي المحترم ينطلق برنامج تعزيز التعليم لطلبة كليات الطب في المراحل السريرية والذي يقيمه المجلس العلمي للمركز الوطني لتقييم الكفايات الطبية وبمشاركة خبرائه من داخل وخارج العراق

اخر الاخبار

The National Assessment Centre of Medical Competencies (NACMC)

The National Assessment Centre of Medical Competencies (NACMC) The Centre is a non-governmental, charity-supported institution working in medical education, training, assessment, and quality assurance in Iraq.
The center provides services to both public and private Iraqi universities and cooperates with several Arab universities and institutions.
NACMC strives to enhance the quality of medical education through assessment and training, and it also employs the latest digital assessment technologies.
The NACMC offers information exchange, system sharing, and the organization of joint academic and scientific activities. NACMC is noted for conducting research on a wide range of assessment issues across various sectors and educational levels, particularly focusing on the accuracy of assessment systems, the validity of certifications, and collaboration with specialists in education and evaluation from around the world.
The Centre conducts training workshops on managing digital Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) systems and advises universities on how to design and implement effective and beneficial assessment systems. NACMC comprises a scientific council with ten members from Iraq and the region, along with scientific committees in examination question banks, committees for authors and reviewers, and a special committee for developing university student portfolios. NACMC boasts a panel of 86 experts on its board, with a total of 160 members enrolled with the center. The center plays a role in developing medical staff skills and providing the necessary training to improve medical services. Typically, the NACMC carries out the following tasks:

• Medical Competency Evaluation: Providing scientific and technical support in conducting exams and tests to verify the medical competency level of students and trainees.

• Training university faculty in measurement and evaluation methods and updating information.

• Implementing automation and stimulating the digital transformation (of measurement and evaluation systems, and using digital assessment platforms).

• Providing universities with electronic banks for exam items and training their users.

• Continuing Medical Education: Offering training courses to update medical information and enhance clinical skills.

• Quality Assurance: Applying quality standards to educational and training programs.

• Applying international standards (of measurement and evaluation, ensuring the quality of tests, analyzing their outcomes, and providing feedback).

• Regional and International Cooperation: Partnering with Arab medical institutions and universities to exchange experiences and resources.

The NACMC, is currently working on international formative tests that include clinical-stage medical students from Iraqi universities and the region, evaluated by the center's scientific council with the participation of its experts from inside and outside Iraq and utilizing adaptive learning through a series of formative assessments with feedback. The NACMC provides free private accounts and a performance tracking file on its testing platform for each participating student, allowing them to monitor their progress and benefit from the support and guidance of the center's experts and artificial intelligence algorithms to evaluate the participant's needs based on their test performance.

Efficiency versus Competency


Efficiency is concerned with achieving goals using the least amount of resources (time, effort, money).
It focuses on performing effectively while avoiding waste. Example: Completing a task using the least amount of time and energy.


Completing a task using the least amount of time and energy.


Competency refers to the ability or qualifications required to successfully complete a specific task. It relates to the knowledge, skills, and capabilities needed to carry out a particular function.


A person has the competency to perform surgery successfully due to their training and experience.

In general, efficiency is about how resources are used to achieve results, while competency is about having the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve those results.